These templates can give you everything you need to make sure you can get everything set up and ready to go as soon as possible. To help you make the right decision, we recommend you look closely at the below templates for an easier blogging experience. Here we are going to cover the following Notion blog templates:
1. Blog Dashboard
A good choice to look at is the popular release by Hafsa, which you can easily find the download at Hafsa’s Creative Corner and their free Notion template for bloggers. This is a good one to work with as you can easily include the key details, such as a link to your blog, your editor link, and various other sections that allow you to quickly and easily fill out the details you need. The main thing to do would be to take a closer look at the blog dashboard and work out exactly what you are dealing with. A blog dashboard like this tends to work quite well as it is pretty minimalistic, giving you more than enough space to work with. You can now better organise your blog and make sure that all of your plans are properly in place ahead of time.
2. Journal Template
Another useful option (though not strictly a blog template) is this journal template (which you can find on Notion when searching for “Journal template”. This works well purely because it offers a space for planning out things like your blog goals and the themes that you want to build upon, and also to build a little monthly plan. This means that you could put down ideas for a new blog post with ease, or you could start to fill in things like topic ideas, things to research, and even keywords that you could use within the set. A journal template is a tremendous choice as it can simplify the whole experience for you. This works well if you find it hard to plan out your blog and want to have a space that you know you can use for jotting down ideas and building a better plan overall. Good blogs are well planned, so use this to your advantage in that case.
3. Notion for Blogging
Easily one of the best guides out there, if not a whole on the template, is this blogging dashboard guide (find it by searching on the Notion website for “Journal template”). You can follow the details that are broken down here to easily build and create a quality dashboard that is prime for blogging. This can then be used to make sure you can easily create a dashboard that gives you space for each and every piece of detail you need to keep. Notion for a blogger is a great thing as it can give you so many spaces for jotting down ideas and keeping brainwaves close at hand. With that in mind, you might want to look at this guide for Notion blogging. It also contains a few template ideas down at the bottom, which, when combined with the tutorial above, work extremely well.
4. Notion-Zine
This is a tremendous blogging template; it really is. We highly recommend that you try out Notion-Zine (find this template on Notion Everything) if you want something a bit more simplistic and effective overall. It works well as it gives you a range of different templates all in one file. This isn’t free, but it gives you a great range of themed templates. With 10 layouts to choose from, you can easily make some big changes that can bring your blogging planner up to date. It looks good, it can be easily worked with, and it can be adjusted to suit any kind of blog. This is great for anyone who wants to embed extra details, too, such as PDFs, videos and even maps. You can easily plan and prepare a better blog post with the help of this tool – it really does make what can be a complex process a whole lot simpler for everyone involved. Try it out today; you will not regret the decision.
5. Bullet Journal
Another great choice is the Bullet Journal template (find this template on Notion by searching for “Bullet Journal”). This is highly recommended as you can easily use this to plan out every single phase of your blog development. You can include information about each section of the blog, easily create plans for future content, and note down the kind of key ideas that can make a huge difference. It can be a good solution for recording ideas, themes and general concepts that you think would be a good choice to add to your blog. Keep these factors in mind, and you can easily use a bullet journal to make sure you are well on the right track. It’s a flexible layout, too, so bloggers might find they have more uses for this than they might first assume.
6. Post Template
Lastly, if you want a Notion template that is a literal template for a blog post, then start at Notion and search for “blog post”. If you would rather have a template that you can use to write a blog post and then copy and paste it into the chosen platform that you use for hosting, this does a great job. This is more of a specific template for blog writing as opposed to blog planning, but many enjoy using this tool for that simple and easy creation aid. It’s a good choice that can be easily used for writing out your blogs and having a clear and simple way to take it from Notion into the blog hosting platform that you have chosen. Each of the above Notion blog templates can make your job so much easier. Try them out today, and you can see for yourself why so many people have used these templates to help them run, manage and improve their own blogs! This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2021 Russel Garret