This tutorial will help you to install CodeIgniter PHP framework on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS systems.
Step 1 – Prerequsities
Login to your Ubuntu 16.04 system vis desktop or ssh. CodeIgniter required PHP to be installed, MySQL as the database server and Apache/Nginx as the web server. Use one the following tutorial to install LAMP server on your system
Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04
Step 2 – Download CodeIgniter
Download the latest version of CodeIgniter from its official GitHub release page. You can use following commands to download CodeIgniter 3.1.9 on your system. Extract the archive on your local system and place directory for document root with proper naming.
Step 3 – Create Database
Now, create a MySQL database for your CodeIgniter application. I am running MySQL 5.7 server on my machine. Connected to MySQL with root user then create database and user with the following queries.
Ater creating database, edit the CodeIgniter database configuration in text editor and update the database settings as per your environments.
Step 4 – Setup CodeIgniter on Ubuntu
Now you need to configure the base URL for your application. For this tutorial, I am using domain for configuration. You can choose localhost or any valid domain name of your choice. Edit config.php file in text editor: and update base_url as following:
Step 5 – Setup Apache for CodeIgniter
For this tutorial, I’m using Apache web server on my Ubuntu system. Create a new VirtualHost configuration file: Add following content with proper server name, alias:
Save the Apache VirtualHost configuration file. Now use the a2enmod command to enable newly created CodeIgniter VirtualHost. Also, restart Apache service to apply changes.
Step 6 – Testing
All done. You can access your CodeIgnator application in your favorite web browser with the configured domain name. By default, you will the screen like below.
Let’s start developing with CodeIgniter.