So here is the step-by-step procedure on how to update Kodi on each platform.
Fire Stick
Now you have the latest version of Kodi installed on your Fire Stick. There is another way to install the latest version of Kodi via a suitable file manager (ES file explorer).
Fire Stick Via File Manager
Note: You can use any file manager. I have used ES file manager here.
On Android Phones Via Google Play Store
On Android Phones Via Website
On Android Box
The process of updating Kodi on Android box is same as Android devices.
On Windows
Note: You can also download latest Kodi version of windows from and install it.
On Windows Via Windows Store
On Windows Via Kodi Website
In this solution, you can download Kodi directly from the official website and install it to your PC.
On MacOS
In this solution, the Kodi version will be automatically installed after installing from the website.
On GBox
Before updating Kodi, you will need to download a File Manager. We will use ES file manager here. So above are the steps to update Kodi on the various operating systems. Updating Kodi is necessary to get the latest updates of fixes and patches. Advanced users can directly download updates from the website and install them on each operating system. Before trying to update, uninstall the old version to avoid errors during installation. © 2021 Dhruv Joshi