TikTok user @crimeoncamera posts the video and starts up a heated discussion. “Wow, that’s going to cost her,” writes commenter @tatter_salad_momma. “Please tell me she will pay for the fix,” says “He has another woman in the house,” guesses @shelviareed. “Yup,” writes @gymrat76541. “California.” “OMG!” exclaims @yamiqueenb. “That’s going to cost her a lot, and jail time!” Viewer of the video @elohimandme has a take of her own. “Oh no,” she says. “Karen is absolutely going to jail.” “I would call the cops,” remarks @julykatia37. “It’s 2022,” notes @ajlarcher. “Why do people still believe they can get away with anything?” “She will look good in orange,” surmises @jimedwards923. Reader @pennybarnes745 sums up what just happened. “Yup,” he says. “That was most definitely personal.” Recommended For You

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