Instead of griping or whining, this guy decided to have a good laugh about his situation in comparison to another woman who is clearly well-to-do. Just wait until you see the everyday man’s version of a “high-tech kitchen.”


Posted by Kevwin8 on TikTok, the video has received a massive 1.6 million likes and 16.2 million views. Much of the comments are all about how well they can relate with the video creator. “Oh my god, you’ve got one of these kitchens too!!!” a viewer said. “I don’t feel so alone.” “I laughed so loud I woke my kids up,” another viewer said. “The only extra thing that needed was a mouse running out when the board fell down…” a commenter chimed in with. “I laughed way too hard at this one,” another viewer admitted, echoing hundreds if not thousands more. “Second kitchen is also like mine.” And finally, what we’re all basically feeling right now, “You hit me in a way I’ve never been hit before.” Recommended For You

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